BEST       ( Bentley Eco Schools Team)

BEST - Bentley Eco School Team The John Bentley School in Calne has an Eco Group called BEST, we are a group of students who think about the environment and look at ways we can be more environmentally friendly and promote sustainability within our school: We meet every Wednesday Lunchtime at "The Drop In" upstairs in Science.

Friday 11 January 2013

Switch off Fortnight 2012

This year for Switch off Fortnight, the Eco Group Members visited our classrooms during lunch break for a 5 day period. 
They carried out an audit of which classrooms had left their lights on and their computers and projectors on standby.

We discovered that out of 70 classrooms an average of 20 classrooms left their lights on regularly.  We are  holdong an assembly in Feburary to share our findings with the school and highlight why it is important to "SAVE ENERGY" by switch off lights and appliances when not in use.

We will then carry out the same audit the following term to see if we have "Made a difference!"

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