BEST       ( Bentley Eco Schools Team)

BEST - Bentley Eco School Team The John Bentley School in Calne has an Eco Group called BEST, we are a group of students who think about the environment and look at ways we can be more environmentally friendly and promote sustainability within our school: We meet every Wednesday Lunchtime at "The Drop In" upstairs in Science.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

September 2012

The start of the New Term!

It was fantastic to return in September and see how things had grown. And thank you to the staff who watered when they could.
Some plants have done better than others.  The tomatoes were not great, because some of them got blight, but we did have a few. We had lots of cucmbers, and the peppers that were grown were most definately "Chilli" peppers. 
Note: remember to label plants with full name.........

The butternut squashes did not do as well as expected, but I think that is because they were in small pots and we have also had a very wet summer, so next year we will try planting in the ground.

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