BEST       ( Bentley Eco Schools Team)

BEST - Bentley Eco School Team The John Bentley School in Calne has an Eco Group called BEST, we are a group of students who think about the environment and look at ways we can be more environmentally friendly and promote sustainability within our school: We meet every Wednesday Lunchtime at "The Drop In" upstairs in Science.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Leaf mulch


Making our own compost is great fun and free.
It takes about a year for the leaf mould to rot down and when it's ready it will act as a fantastic soil improver and a mulch for existing plants. A mulch is a soil covering.

We started by making a container from old unused fencing wire that had been saved.  We then collected all the leaves from around the Science block and filled the basket, as they start to rot we will continue to add move leaves. 

Leaf mould is best used for older plants and can be mixed in with other composts for planting out containers.

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