BEST       ( Bentley Eco Schools Team)

BEST - Bentley Eco School Team The John Bentley School in Calne has an Eco Group called BEST, we are a group of students who think about the environment and look at ways we can be more environmentally friendly and promote sustainability within our school: We meet every Wednesday Lunchtime at "The Drop In" upstairs in Science.

Monday 21 November 2011

GYGG - Get Your Grown Ups Growing

We had helpers planting bulbs outside the Nursary area, two new raised bed planters were made, the herb garden area has now been started and flowers that will attract wildlife has been planted in the Science Courtyard.  Parents and their children had the opportunity to make a newspaper plant pot, which they filled with compost, and planted a seeds of their choice, to take home to grow. 

The Herb Garden

Digging over and weeding in preparation for the Herbs.
Making a start with the herb garden

New planters

The Wildlife Garden

Monday 31 October 2011

Calne in Bloom Competition

Calne in Bloom Competion:  

The competition this year was to create a flowerbed design.  The competition was advertised around the school, it was for all Calne kids upto the age of 16.  We had a great response around the school with one tutor group really taking up the challenge, their hard work paid off because 4 students from that tutor group won.  First Place was awarded to Sylwia Gral, runner up Luke Child and Commended go to Jamie Cooper and Kai Workman.  

Overall Calne won Silver Gilt in the SW in Bloom competitons!

September 2011

We have a few new members who have joined the group this month,  some of our new members were eco helpers in their last school and are keen to continue, and some students have heard about the group in school and come along to get involved.

We have also started a project with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust,  they are working with the school on a topic about "Waste".  We have had a tour of our local landfill site, we have seen what materials can be recycled and we have been looking at "packaging" and how our choices can have an effect on our environment. 



This term we have the following events:

14th November - School litter pick THE BIG TIDY UP, where we have invited students to volunteer to help litter pick, we will investigate the sort of litter we have around school and whether we could be recycling more of it, and if so how. The students will then feed back to the whole school about their findings and how we could reduce and recycle their "Rubbish".

19th November - Get Your Grown ups Growing,  we will be getting our grown ups to help us with some gardening, planting some bulbs and providing opportunities for them to plant some seeds to take home with them. 

21st November - 4th December: Switch off Fortnight Event: this will be our second "Switch off Fortnight event, so watch this BLOG!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Nursery Area

The Gardening Club have been busy,  they have planted out the border outside the Nursery and with all the rain we have had this week they have bedded in well.  We planted a Clematis over the wire, which will flower in Summer,  a mixture of colourful bedding plants between the spiria shrubs that were already there.




Canteen Herb Garden

June - Starting the project. 
We have been given some pallets which we are going to recycle and make into trellis to put round the canteen area, this will protect the herbs we are going to grow there.

Sunday 19 June 2011

BEST team up with Faitraide

Faitrade Fred

Saturday 18th of june 2011

BEST join up with fairtrade at calne community bike week we had are stand up and got over 40 people to sign our forms. the day was very fun despite a little bit of rain and me burning my tounge. in the end i got a fatrade kit-kat.

for everyone who came to race got a certificate, bag, leaflets, a badge, a sticker and a keychain. The mayoress was there to sound the horn the race was 8 miles to heddington and back.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Bike Week- Team Green Britain 2011

18th June 2011
JBS Best Display
Calne Town Fairtrade Display

Tradecraft stall

Today as part of the Calne Summer Festival week, JBS Best went along to the Community Cycle Event held at Calne Leisure Centre.  We went along to support Calne Fairtrade Group,

Fairtrade Town
Click here to find out about Fairtrade

A recently formed group which is supported by the Town Council and The Community Area Partnership. There are already nine towns in Wiltshire that have achieved their Fairtrade status.  To achieve this status Calne will have to show that we have local outlets providing and using Fairtrade products. Raising Awarness for local business, schools and local organisations, and to encourage them to use Fairtrade products.

We spoke to over 40 individuals today, who signed our questionnaire, which asked if they used fairtrade products at home and every person we spoke to did.  Out of those only 8 of them knowingly used Fairtrade products at work.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Calne in Bloom 2011

26th May 2011                               Calne in Bloom 2011  Gazette & Herald

It was touch and go with the weather, but we borrowed some coats and off we went.


At the end of the planting session the student were given a tray of petunias and begonias to take back with them to school.

They planted out one of the raised beds in the Science courtyard.

Monday 23 May 2011

Green Britain Day

18th May 2011 - Green Britain Day

The Green Britain Day Bunting was in place, with footprints leading the way. The wind turbine and solar energy products we won from taking part in "Switch off Fortnight" and a display board of all the groups achievements were put up outside in the Science courtyard, then the bell went and the rain poured, and everyone dashed for cover! No pics were even taken!

One year 8 class who are studying ecology had a workshop to make a "Bug Hotel" for insects to nest and hybernate in. They used elderwood, potato peelers and pokie out sticks. 

They peeled the Elder sticks with potato peelers and pushed out the pith of the stick using a pokie out stick, they then bundled about 10 sticks together with string and they where hung in the woodland area of school.

In a couple of weeks time they can revisit the Bug Hotels and investigate which bugs have made use of them.  Some were hung high in the branches and some lower down.

Monday 16 May 2011

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Greenhouse and Allotment news

How exciting, a small but very usable walk in greenhouse.  We now have somewhere for our seeds to germinate.

It was put up today with the help of two volunteers,  very easy to build and it means the students can water their plant,s when they can, during the day.

The sunflowers (planted as part of PSHEE day) which you will see from the photograph really need to be planted out, this is going to be done on the 18th May as part of GREEN BRITAIN DAY. 

We also had our first afterschool club today, which meant we really could get to grips with the allotment,  we planted out the lettuces and beetroot that we kindly donated and we planted out the pumpkins and swede.  We learnt about the first set of leaves bieng called the "Seed Leaf" which is then followed by the "True Leaf".  When transplanting seedlings,  you carefully hold the leaf so you don't damage the roots.  We used a plank of wood to make a small, straight line to plant out the beetroot and we also used a dibber and then watered well.


Next week we will be seeding several trays of perennial plants (perennial means, a plant that will live for several years, they usually die back in the autumn and winter.)